According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, more than 3.6 million people in the U.S. forty years of age or older are visually impaired.
Your eyes are under constant exposure to pollution, dust, free radicals and UVB rays -- these stressors require enormous amounts of antioxidants to help neutralize their damaging effects.*
You're probably already aware of the benefits that CoQ10 provides for your heart, but did you know that CoQ10 is perhaps the most important antioxidant for eye health?*
Your eyes are high energy organs that use large amounts of CoQ10. And that's because CoQ10 converts the food you eat into useable energy for your cells.*
In fact, a clinical trial shows impressive results: "At the end of a study of more than 100 people, the researchers found a huge improvement in those who took the nutrients including CoQ10 for all four parameters of eyesight that they measured."
However, as you age, your body's natural CoQ10 levels decline dramatically.*
That's why we recommend replenishing your CoQ10 levels with Jigsaw CoQ10 w/SRT®.
Jigsaw CoQ10 w/SRT® utilizes the clinically tested MicroActive® CoQ10 for better, more efficient absorption to replenish CoQ10 levels in your body and promotes heart health, brain function, energy production, and more.*
Source: "Can CoQ10 Save Your Vision?" Dr Al Sears. Al Sears, MD, n.d. Web. 08 Dec. 2014.