Where do you get your Electrolytes?

Did you know that drinking one 20oz. bottle of Gatorade (manufactured by Pepsico.) contains 35 grams of sugar?

By way of comparison, one glazed donut contains 12g of sugar.

So one bottle of Gatorade is nearly 3 donuts worth of sugar. 

How much sugar is too much?

Well, the FDA recommends no more than 50 grams of sugar per day. Meanwhile the American Heart Association recommends no more than 25 grams per day.*

Sadly, regardless of the high sugar content found in most sports drinks, you aren’t even getting that many electrolytes. In a 20oz. bottle of Gatorade, there’s only 65 mg of Potassium, which is barely 2% of the FDA’s recommended daily intake.*

Jigsaw Electrolyte Supreme™ is a customer favorite -- it contains ZERO sugar and provides a balanced combination of all 5 essential electrolytes: Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, and Chloride. And it contains Zinc, Selenium, and other trace minerals along with B-vitamins for energy and Vitamin C for immune support. It’s practically a delicious multi-vitamin.*

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