A Quick Self-Test for Magnesium Deficiency...

Are You Magnesium Deficient?

One of the easiest things you can do to improve your health is to avoid being in a magnesium-deficient state.*

And sadly, 3 out of every 4 people in America are magnesium deficient.1

Here's a list of common symptoms associated with magnesium deficiency.*

How many do you have?

  1. I get muscle cramps, spasms, or twitches.
  2. I have trouble sleeping at night.
  3. I'm stressed out.
  4. I have a hard time keeping my bowel movements regular.
  5. I always feel tired.
  6. I get headaches.
  7. I crave chocolate.
  8. I have low energy.
  9. I struggle to feel calm and slow my anxious thoughts.
  10. I have poor bone health.2
  11. I have mind fog.
  12. I get yeast infections.
  13. I have a slow thyroid.
  14. I get mood swings.
  15. My heart races for no apparent reason.3

If you're like 75% of the population, you identified with several of these.

Thankfully, there's a simple solution -- get more magnesium.

This can be done through diet. Almonds are one of the highest magnesium-containing foods you can eat.

But there's something you need to know...

We got curious just how much magnesium there is in the best quality almonds (sprouted, organic, and unpasteurized).

So, we sent a bag off to a 3rd party lab and got it tested.

Test results came back at only 71 mg of magnesium per ounce, meaning you'd have to eat almost 6 ounces to get the recommended daily requirement of magnesium.

That would be about 1,000 calories and $9 per day.

Continue eating your sprouted almonds because you love the flavor, but don't break the bank trying to get enough magnesium from them.

Instead, add Jigsaw MagSRT® to your daily regimen and get 500 mg of magnesium (for only $0.67 a day)!

We also carry a whole line of Magnesium Supplements, click here to see them all.

If you aren't familiar with the different types of magnesium, here is a great video that explains the differences between the 9 of the most common types of magnesium:

Sources: 1. Jaffe R MD. “How to Know if You are Magnesium Deficient: 75% of Americans Are” (transcript) 2. Hyman, Mark, MD. "Magnesium: Meet the Most Powerful Relaxation Mineral Available." Dr. Mark Hyman. Hyman Digital, LLC., 10 June 2016. Web. 10 July 2017. 3. eBook: What They Don't Want You To Know About Magnesium...


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